Adam Elmasri

The biggest myth in the Quran and the Bible: The Virgin Birth of Jesus

Rethinking Islam: Seth Andrews interviews Adam Elmasri on @TheThinkingAtheist

Rethinking Islam: with Adam Elmasri

#Failed Muslim apologetics - 3 Undeniable Historical Errors in the Quran @syfetalk

Islam allows the marriage of 9 years old girls | Today: A new bill introduced in Iraq

The Stolen Miracle of Mohammed | The Mi'raj Journey

Isra'a Journey: A fake miracle taken out of context | The Night Journey that never happened

illogical verse in the Quran!

Islam: Tolerating the intolerant in the name of Liberal Values @RealTime

Adam Elmasri: Life of Christians in Egypt

Quran's undeniable error - This is why

The prophet of Islam; was he really a prophet?

The Biggest Lie about the Quran

Who is Adam Elmasri and Why do you criticize Islam and religions?

5 human errors in the Quran that reveal the author was not God!

Top 3 Historical errors in the Quran

Abrogation: A benign tumor that can turn into cancer, the western world need to be aware of.

Homosexuality in Christianity and Islam - Being gay in the Bible and Quran

How did God become racist in the Quran and the Bible?

Does the sun set in a muddy pool? This debate will shock you!